Sunday, 28 April 2013

Waiheke Weekend

We've had a lovely fall weekend with MaMa TeTe and Saba on Waiheke.  We played with Betty Blue and ate yummy food.  The most fun however was rediscovering all the treats MaMa TeTe has kept in storage for 40 years.  Yes, that's right from my baby shoes to my leather, monogrammed frog purse MaMa TeTe saved it all.  She even saved the patterns from my Halloween costumes - what a star!

we love orange

Sewing with Granny

We've just had a lovely week with Granny Mary in Wanaka.  By day Granny was taking a Children's Book Illustration course.  By night, she was super, sewing Granny.  Giving Anu remedial lessons on how to whip up cute numbers for Simone.  Take special note of the red hoody jumper - that is a Granny Mary original.

Sewing with Granny Mary

hat in progress

these pants might be too big

sewing is fun

pattern master

take that ice breaker - miss ross debuts her childrens line
Welcome to Granny Mary's Boutique

General Cuteness from Wanaka Trip

Bumbo in action

spoon master

ducky fun

the tooth








Festival of Colour

We headed to Wanaka for a week of school holidays with Granny Mary (more about that on the Sewing with Granny update).  These are just cute shots of Simone exploring fall leaves in her new fleece suit from Rae and Bruce.  

Autumn in Arrowtown

We meet our friends Philip and Kerry for a lovely fall day of crepes and river walks in Arrowtown (near Queenstown).  Some cute moments of Simone - note the cute jumper - hand knit by Kimberly.


Growing Girl

We think she is just the bees knees!!

We've been having great fun with our little poppet.  She is growing wildly both in length and curiosity.  Rolling, spinning on her axis, upward dog and shuffling backwards are best moves.  Smiles dominate most days.  And, the second tooth has emerged!  Here are some pictures of our cheeky little monkey. 










Sunday, 14 April 2013

West Coast Weekend

Fall is upon us is New Zealand - the days are getting shorter and the air has a crisp chill.  We recently headed north for a friends wedding (up near Seddonville).  A few shots of the girl on the weekend.

giraffe legs

Beetroot (aka beets)

Simone is a terrific eater.  She seems to love everything we give her - even steamed beetroot!!

more beetroot please