Sunday 10 March 2013

Time for Celebration

Seven months down the track we are still surprised sometimes when we wake
to find our gorgeous poppet chatting to her pacifier.
We often reflect on our good fortune.  We especially remember sharing our joy
with all the special folks who came from far and wide to celebrate with us.
Below is a very incomplete photo montage of our dear family and friends
who helped us welcome Simone!
We thank everyone for coming to join us.  We shall treasure these memories.
xoxo anu and josh
ps - if anyone as additional photos of the naming we'd love to post them

making the house look cute


long lost family
alex and toni



ready to read

renee tepper


mama te te and saba

roberta, herb and sam

mum, dad, simone, harriet and esther

saba speeching

the fish!!!

uncle zev
david cuddles

toni, mum and simone

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